Spirit CT850 ENT Treadmill


The CT850ENT Treadmill combines the solid CT850 platform with touchscreen technology on an oversized 15.6” entertainment display. TV, web browsing, and music streaming are all made possible within a user interface that is easy to use and adaptable to nearly any facility. Preset programs include a wide variety of popular workouts for the average user while fitness tests, heart rate programs and a custom program are available for more serious users. Direct control buttons allow the ability to quickly program a specific incline or speed with just a few key strikes. User comfort was considered with the addition of the Turbo cooling fan, five convenient accessory trays and ergonomically positioned Heart Rate Grips. The CT850ENT also accommodates extended handrails for clients that require extra stability (sold separately).

  • Options Price: $0.00
  • Product Price: $6,599.00
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SKU: 6c2d89f939d9 Category: Tag:

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